Displaying Corrosion Rates using the Mils-per-Year Setting

Measuring corrosion rates is an important part of keeping potential problems from becoming disastrous realities. webPIMSdata from Sensor Networks’ PIMS devices provides users with critical short- or long-term corrosion rate information that is needed to monitor crude-slate changes or to correlate operational system updates. In the United States, corrosion rates are typically calculated using mils or 0.001” per year units. International customers generally prefer mm/year. Users can choose and easily switch from Imperial to Metric and back.

Enabling mils/yr. in Personal Settings:

  1. Click on the username on the top right menu of the main dashboard page to access the settings menus. Click on Personal Settings.
  2. Scroll down to the Units and Precision section.
  3. Select the mil/yr. setting under Personal Settings. Click the check box to display corrosion rates as mils/yr. Then click Save Settings.

Note: The Mils/yr. mode only works with the units set to inch. Mil/yr. will display in 3 and 4 decimal points depending on the 3 or 4 decimal places as selected for inch resolution. If 1 or 2 are selected, mil/yr. will still display in 3 places.

All fields displaying corrosion rates throughout webPIMS will display the units in mil/yr.

Example: Displaying Corrosion Rates in mils/yr. 

Additional details on these and other webPIMS features can be found in the webPIMS user manual.

View the webPIMS Data Sheet

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Sensor Networks, Inc.