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SNI to Exhibit and Present at ASNT Annual Conference

We will be attending the 2019 American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT) Annual Conference in Las Vegas this coming November.

The ASNT Annual Conference provides a forum for the exchange of theoretical, scientific and application information.

In addition to being an exhibitor, Mark Matthews, Sales Manager for North America (Remote Visual/Retrieval Systems), will be presenting a discussion on Nuclear Inspection Issues. Specifically, the “Development and Field Deployment of a Motorized Retrieval Tool with Integral HDTV for Power Plant Operations.”

“The ASNT Conference is the perfect venue for SNI to not only discuss the latest advances in technology, but also show how SNI will use it in real-world applications,” said Bruce Pelligrino, Vice President of Marketing at Sensor Networks, Inc.

If you’re attending the ASNT Conference, be sure to stop by Booth 1121 to talk to us about what we have to offer!

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Enhancing Efficiency and Safety: Xcel’s Nuclear Sites Harness the Power of JAWS 2.0

Foreign Objects Search and Retrieval (FOSAR) is a critical task in nuclear power plants, and having efficient tools like the JAWS 2.0™ is paramount to ensure safety and operational efficiency. Xcel’s nuclear sites, Monticello and Prairie Island, recently integrated the JAWS 2.0 ultimate kits into their FOSAR capabilities. These kits proved their effectiveness during routine maintenance at Monticello’s Spent Fuel Pool.

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Sensor Networks, Inc.

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