3D CIVA Modeling

3D CIVA Modeling of a 16 x 16 (2D) 256-element matrix transducer for heavy-wall turbine forgings

SNI combines two unique capabilities to help customers with difficult flaw detection and sizing inspections in heavy-wall forgings: CIVA 3D modeling + high-element-count 2D arrays.

By increasing the element count, this can allow for larger aperture probes to be used to inspect from near surface to thicker parts with one probe and point focus for smaller defects. Matrix arrays also enable beam steering in any axis so the acoustic energy can target defects more perpendicularly  thereby increasing the energy reflected to the transducer and increase POD.

CIVA modeling enables application development before deciding on the transducer’s optimum specifications including frequency, # of X & Y elements, element size, elevation, pitch.

SNI’s transducer & applications engineers have decades of experience and deep domain knowledge in this area of probe design and development. This, combined with the power of new high-channel-count PAUT instruments, allows customers to further optimize their UT exams.

Shown here is a custom-elevation focused 1.5D 128/256-element transducer assembly that can be used for aerospace, nuclear, or power-generation components & forgings. SNI can custom design & build these matrix probes in any x-y format up to 1,000 elements.

High-element-count arrays are commonly used to interrogate heavy-wall forgings where the sound bean can be steered & focused on varying depths in the test material. Increased P.O.D. and inspection productivity are achieved.

For more information on how SNI can enhance your high-end inspections, contact:



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Jim Barshinger


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